Friday, September 9, 2011

So much to tell.  We have been keeping super busy.  We went to Josh and Emily's last weekend and boy did we have fun.  The boys love spending time with them...well we do too!  Here are a few random pics from the weekend-kept forgetting to take pics.

This is how Caleb runs around most of the time-due to him potty training and him loving being naked.
I'm surprised he doesn't have his boots

Driving around one morning-Aunt Em trying to make Caleb smile-he was so tired-fell asleep about 5 mins later.

It was a great weekend!  So glad Josh and Em allowed us to come, along with our house-we travel with sooo much stuff.

So I have a few funny stories and a few cute pics.

First off, Mark has been super busy with harvest, so its been the boys and me mostly.  So I am that wife that calls her husband when he is working hard and bugs him when the kids do something cute, funny, or mean (to mom that is).

Story # 1:    So, we have this red shed that we have lots of totes that we keep all our holiday and other misc stuff in.  Grayson was asleep in his crib, and Caleb was outside playing, so I thought "hey, lets go get the fall decorations out while the kids are being good/sleeping".  Caleb is really into closing doors these days, so I should have been more careful.  As I was in the red shed, Caleb thought he would be sneaky and slammed the doors shut.  I thought it was kinda cute at first, b/c he was out there laughing...and so then I go to push it open ,and it doesn't open.  I push again...and again.  I start to panic.  I thought to myself; what if Grayson wakes up (luckily i did have my cell phone and monitor on me), or Caleb starts to panic.  Heck no, none of that happened.  I freaked out a bit.  I called a friend and she wasn't home.  So I called Mark, and he ended up telling me to just break the door open.  Luckily it was old, and I have big muscles. I busted through, and Caleb thought that was pretty dang funny.  So we need a new latch...Mark thought this whole ordeal was funny.  All his coworkers too.  It was kinda scary, but now its funny. You all should have been there. 

Story # 2:     I was giving Grayson a bath and Caleb thought he would go ahead and get in there with him.  He was standing behind his head just watching.  I just got done rinsing Grayson off...I turn to grab the towel, look back and Caleb was peeing on Grayson laughing and saying "Uh Oh"...he loves saying that by the way.  Yeah, luckily not much got on Grayson, but I think we may have to wait awhile before they bathe together again.  Lol.  That Caleb is a little ham, but we sure do love him...not too sure if Grayson will be as rotten-only time will tell. 

Here are some random pics of my boys:

Caleb riding the doghouse like its a horse.

Grayson chilln in his swing

Caleb looking innocent here-hmmm....