Thursday, October 13, 2011

My boys and the things they explore

Still can't figure out how to get one blog post done a week.  One of these days I will get it down.  We have been super busy as always.  We went back home for a long, long weekend.  I was able to do some fun things with my best friend Christy.  Bridesmaid dress shopping, eating lots of food, and then she got to love on Grayson for a whole day. 

I threw a baby shower for my cousin Jessica.  The shower was a success.  The oven ended up being too small for one of our pans...craziness.  I sometimes don't have the best luck with ovens.  Here are a few pics of Jessica's girls with my angels, and with some other cousins that were at the shower.  Caleb had a blast, and Grayson was loved on like crazy.

On Sunday my mom, dad, myself, and Caleb all went to Worlds of Fun.  We all had a blast.  It was a very long day.  Our big boy Caleb did awesome though.  Here are a few pics of him on some of the kiddie rides in Camp Snoopy.


Caleb is keeping things interesting in our household.  He thinks its really funny to pour/shake things out on our living room floor (where there is carpet).  The other night he took Grayson's rice cereal flakes and poured half of the box out on the floor...Boy was I steaming.  Then yesterday he did the same thing to the baby powder.  My living room still smells of a fresh powdered baby.  Guess he is exploring with containers and substances.  Oh man. 

Grayson is 6 months old today.  He is really starting to explore with objects.  Always reaching for stuff, and everything goes into his little mouth.  Drool is a constant thing around here.  Maybe he is teething (lol, wonder if he will wait as long as his brother), because he has decided to wake up every hour during the night.  I feel like I have a 2 week old baby.  He is starting to really love his jumper.  Caleb likes to bounce him around in it too.  We have to watch Caleb b/c he climbs in there and gets stuck. lol.  Grayson is almost sitting by himself.  He sat by himself for nearly 3 mins the other day.  I was so proud.  We just started him on baby food last night.  He ate a whole container of sweet potatoes.  He sure loves food like the rest of us foodies.  Here are a few pics of him eating "real" food:



Mark is adorable and acts so silly when he feeds the kids.  He is going to hate me, but I have to put these on here b/c he is such a great dad, and who doesn't do these funny faces when they feed their little ones. 


So those are fun pics, aren't they?   Well I better go, my boys are starting to want some attention.  Plus its one of my favorite days of the week.  I get to watch Vampire Diaries with my friend Sarah, and we get to eat a lot of yummy foods.  Can you tell my family (me included) LOVE food.  A little too much, that's for sure.  Hope you all enjoyed our cute little family stories and pictures.