Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A 4 month old and a boot-wearing toddler

We have been busy.  This boys like to keep me on my toes. Here are a few things that have been going on at our house.

  Caleb has a shoe/boot fetish.  Loves wearing them through the house, outside...everywhere. 
 Naked Caleb with boots on is an everyday

 These currently are his favorite:
on the wrong feet...but hey he knows how to put them on himself.  Big boy!

This is how he likes to wear his boots most of the time:

I hate to say it, but I hide his shoes and boots a lot of the time.  If I didn't he would be outside constantly.

So this past weekend my parents came down to watch the boys so we can go camping.  Yes, a date camping trip!  So exciting.  My allergeries were giving me some trouble but we had a lot of fun.  Lots of fishing, and just relaxing.  Much needed trip, but we were ready to get back to our boys.

My parents got Caleb some coloring books, markers and crayons.  He loves them!

The boys had a lot of fun with grandma and grandpa.  Unfortunatly I did not get any pics of them with grandpa.  Here is one with grandma though:

Saturday Grayson turned 4 months old!! Can you believe my boy is that big already?!?!

Had a doctors appointment and he says he is perfect.  He is around 15 1/2 lbs! Growing and Growing. 
We got the go ahead to start him on cereal.  So here are a few before and after pics:
So cute!

Grayson is also trying to roll no big hurry, kinda like his brother in that way. lol. 

These boys just amaze me every day....make me exhausted too. 

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